Selected Publications
Liu, B.*, Donohoe, H., Pennington-Gray, L. *Omodior, O. (2015). New York City Bed Bug Crisis as Framed by Tourists on TripAdvisor. Tourism Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Journal; 20(2), 243-250.
Donohoe, H., Pennington-Gray, L., *Omodior, O. (2015) Lyme disease: Current issues, implications, and recommendations for tourism management. Tourism Management, 46: 408-418. PMID: 32287743
Omodior, O., Pennington-Gray, L., and Donohoe, H. (2015). Efficacy of the Theory of Planned Behavior in predicting the intention to engage in Tick-borne disease personal protective behavior amongst visitors to an outdoor recreation center. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 33(2), 37-53.
Omodior, O., Pennington-Gray, L., Thapa, B., Holland, S., Kiousis, S. (2017). Chikungunya Disease Awareness among U.S. Travelers to Caribbean Destinations. International Journal of Travel Medicine & Global Health, 5(1), 20-27.
Omodior, O., Pennington-Gray, L., Thapa, B. (2017). Modeling Insect-Repellent Use for Chikungunya Disease Prevention among US-Caribbean Travelers. International Journal of Travel Medicine and Global Health, 5(4), 125-134.
Donohoe, H., Omodior, O., *Roe, J. (2018). Tick-Borne Disease Occupational risks and Behaviors of Florida Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Service Employees ? A Health Belief Model Perspective. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 22:9 ? 17.
Omodior O., *Luetke M., Nelson E. (2018). Mosquito-borne Infectious disease, risk-perceptions, and personal protective behavior among U.S. international travelers. Preventive Medicine Reports, 12:336 ? 342. PMID: 30416953
Nelson EJ., *Luetke MC., *McKinney C., Omodior O. (2018). Knowledge of the Sexual Transmission of Zika Virus and Preventive Practices Against Zika Virus Among U.S. Travelers. Journal of Community Health. PMID: 30478625
Omodior O., Ramos DW. (2019). Social Determinants of Health-related Quality of Life ? a recreation setting analysis. Journal of Health Promotion Practice. PMID: 30786790
Omodior, O., *Kianersi, S. & *Luetke, M. (2019). Spatial Clusters and Non-spatial Predictors of Tick-Borne Disease Diagnosis in Indiana. Journal of Community Health, 1-9. PMID: 31270657
*Luetke M. Omodior, O., Nelson EJ. (2019). Zika knowledge and prevention practices among U.S. travelers: a large cross-sectional survey study. BMC Public Health. 19(1):1217. PMID: 31481059
Omodior O., *Kianersi S., *Luetke M. (2019). Prevalence of Risk and Protective Factors for Tick Exposure and Tick-Borne Disease among Residents of Indiana. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. PMID: 31663930
*Kianersi, S., *Luetke, M., *Wolfe, C., *Clark, W., Omodior, O. (2019). Associations Between Personal Protective Measures and Tick-Borne Disease Diagnosis in Indiana residents. Journal of Community Health. PMID: 31916179
*Anderson, K. R., & Omodior, O. (2020). A BDI Public Health Logic Model Approach to Recreation Programming. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration.
*Anderson, K. R., *Naaman, K., Omodior, E., *Karikari, G., Pennington-Gray, L., & Omodior, O. (2020). Predicting Chikungunya disease personal protective behaviors: Results of a cross-sectional survey of US-Caribbean travelers. Health Promotion Perspectives, 10(1), 44. PMID: 32104656
Nimo-Paintsil, S. C., Mosore, M. T., Omodior, O., Addo, S. O., Fahmy, N. T., Tageldin, R., ... & Dadzie, S. (2019, January). Distribution of Tick Species Collected from Three West African Countries. In American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (Vol. 101, pp. 436-437).
Omodior O., *Luetke M., *Kianersi S., *Colon A. (2020). Predictors of tick exposure risk-reduction behavior in Indiana. Journal of Community Health. PMID: 32157640
Ali MA, Okafor CJ, Mohamed AA, Joachim A, Mubi M, Omodior O. Etiologic Agents of Fever of Unknown Origin Among Patients Attending Mnazi Mmoja Hospital, Zanzibar. J Community Health. 2020 May 12. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 32399732
Omodior, O., Anderson, K. Relationship Between Tick Activity, Tick-Borne Diseases, Cognitive and Affective Risk Assessment in Peri-domestic Areas. J Community Health (2020). PMID: 32761441
Omodior, O., Kaukis, N. (2020). Variations in tick-borne disease incidence rate by rural-urban county classification. Journal of Earth Sciences & Environmental Studies 5(3) pp:83-89
Karikari, G., Lesa, H., Lohrmann, D., Adamek, M., & Omodior, K. (2020). Attitudes of Graduating Medical and Nursing Students Toward Older Persons in Ghana. Innovation in Aging, 4(Suppl 1), 217. PMCID: PMC7740953
Omodior O. (2020). A Space-Time Permutation Scan Statistic for Evaluating County-Level Tick-borne Disease Clusters in Indiana, 2009-2016. Health Security. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33156708.
Omodior, O., Anderson, K. R., Clark, W., *Eze, P., & Donohoe, H. (2021). Preventing tick-bites among children in Indiana, USA: An analysis of factors associated with parental protective behaviors. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases, 101647. PMID: 33445070.
Omodior, O., *Saeedpour-Parizi, MR., *Rahman, MK., Azad, A., Clay, K., (2020). Using convolutional neural networks for tick image recognition—a preliminary exploration. Experimental and Applied Acarology. PMID: 34148204.
Anderson KR., *Blekking J., Omodior, O. (2020). Tick Trails: The role of online recreational trail reviews in identifying risk factors and behavioral recommendations associated with tick encounters in Indiana. BMC Public Health. PMID: 33980203
Omodior, O., *Eze, P., Anderson, KR., (2021). Using i-Tree Canopy Vegetation Cover subtype Classification to Predict Peri-domestic Tick presence. Tick and Tick-borne Diseases Journal. PMID: 33607424
Omodior O., *Kianersi S. (2021). Active Surveillance of ticks in peri-domestic areas of Indiana, Midwest United States. Journal of Vector Borne Diseases. DOI: 10.4103/0972-9062.316271
* indicates student authors
Omodior, O., Donohoe, H. (2015). Cote d’ Ivoire, tourism. In J. Jafari & H. Xiao (eds.), Encyclopedia of Tourism, Springer, 10.1007/978-3-319-01669-6_646-1.