Are you interested in enhancing your knowledge of public health, vector-borne disease ecology and tick-borne diseases? Do you identify as a person of color? If yes is your answer, the Public Health Entomology Access Program (PHEAP) may just be the right program for you.
Pilot program to build capacity for Public Health entomology among students of color
The goal of PHEAP is to increase participation for people of color in the public health workforce. Currently, we provide training in public health entomology. We hope this will increase the representation of people of color in public health practice and that trainees will assist academic institutions, local, state and federal public health agencies in vector-borne disease surveillance.
The 2021 PHEAP short course is being offered as a 6-week intensive program from Monday June 21 to Friday July 30, 2021. The first 5-weeks is fully online (distance learning 2-5 hours/week). This is followed by five full-day in-person learning at the Bloomington campus of Indiana University. All program material will be delivered by experts in their respective fields and address both theoretical foundations, labs and field exercises.
- Program participants will learn about public health foundations, vector-borne disease ecology, field methods used in the active surveillance of ticks, and stereomicroscopic identification of common hard ticks.
- Scholarships covering instruction, travel, a stipend, room & board will be made available to all program participants.
- Additionally, to prepare trainees for the ever-evolving world of Public health and support them in lifelong learning, the program will purchase American Public Health Association (APHA) student-membership for all program participants.
Eligibility criteria
To be eligible, the student should be at least 18 years old, identify as a person of color, be comfortable speaking, reading and writing the English language, and commit to participating in the entirety of the training program.
The closing date for 2021 PHEAP program applicants was May 15, 2021. The 2021 PHEAP program is no longer accepting applications.